8th - 10th August 2025
Doubletree Hilton Hotel
Cambridge Street, Glasgow
8th - 10th August 2025
Doubletree Hilton Hotel
Cambridge Street, Glasgow
8th - 10th August 2025
Doubletree Hilton Hotel
Cambridge Street, Glasgow
8th - 10th August 2025
Doubletree Hilton Hotel
Cambridge Street, Glasgow
EURYPAA (European Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous) is an annual celebration for the young (and the young at heart) that highlights young people's sobriety and their role in AA. It provides a gathering for AA members to attend workshops, panels, and hear speakers who share the message of AA.
Our aim is to create an inclusive and empowering space where young sober people can connect, inspire, and be inspired.
EURYPAA (The European Convention of Young People in Alcoholics Anonymous) is more than just a gathering; it's a unique opportunity to engage with like-minded individuals, explore personal growth, and forge lifelong friendships.
EURYPAA is an open event run by AA members, with affiliations with Al-Anon. It takes place in different European countries and aims to support and carry AA's message of recovery to alcoholics of all ages.
Alcoholics Anonymous - the UK website for Alcoholics Anonymous
Some fantastic feedback on last year's event